Dr. Dawg

Harper told: dark-skinned Canadians have rights too

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A federal court judge has admonished Stephen Harper and his government for refusing to press for the return of Omar Khadr to Canada from his Gitmo prison cell.

Said Justice James O'Reilly: "The ongoing refusal of Canada to request Mr. Khadr's repatriation to Canada offends a principle of fundamental justice and violates Mr. Khadr's rights....To mitigate the effect of that violation, Canada must present a request to the United States for Mr. Khadr's repatriation as soon as practicable."

Still to come: a May 7 court date for Abousfian Abdelrazik's lawyers. No word as yet about Abdihakim Mohamed. Bashir Makhtal languishes in an Ethiopian prison: much sound and fury from Transport Minister John Baird, timed to coincide with developments in the Abdelrazik case, but no action.

Meanwhile: is Brenda Martin still homesick for Mexico?

UPDATE: Surprise, surprise: Harper has announced that he is considering an appeal.

[H/t Scott Tribe and commenter "sassy."]

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