Dr. Dawg

No flies on Smith and Jonesjohnson

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If anyone wants to be terrified, check this out. There is something chilling--Orwellian--in its meticulous incomprehensibility. Michel Foucault would be impressed.

UPDATE: If this is satire or, as reader James Goneaux believes, agitprop, I'm not the only one to have been taken in. (Yes, I know that sounds defensive.)

UPPERDATE: Darn. I'd like to say that I was just testing the readership, but that would be dishonest. Gullible is in the dictionary, by the way. More here, h/t reader "forgottobuytinfoil."

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on June 16, 2009 3:29 PM.

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