Dr. Dawg

Sunday well-meaning overlords

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From a handbook called "The Book of Wisdom for Eskimo," published in English and Inuktitut by the Bureau of Northwest Territories and Yukon Affairs, Lands, Parks and Forests Services, Department of Mines and Resources, in 1947:


If face, nose or ears get frozen do not rub. That will make it worse. At first sign of freezing cover the part and leave alone.

When feet and hands are clean and dry they are hard to freeze.

So keep feet and hands clean in cold weather.

Keep socks and mitts clean and dry.

If feet get wet change to dry socks at once. Do not wait for a warm place to change.

If you do freeze your feet put them in cold water until the frost is gone. Do not rub.

Make sure frozen part is clean.

Boil seal oil and let it get cold.

Boil thin cloth (cotton).

Soak the cold cloth in the seal oil and wrap the foot. Keep the covering loose.

Be sure that only very clean hands are used to dress the frozen foot.

Change dressing every day.

If frozen badly, get to the doctor or nurse as soon as you can.

[H/t Peter Irniq]

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on September 27, 2009 9:30 AM.

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