Dr. Dawg

Proroguing: collateral damage

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In addition to missing the vital work of backbenching, MPs are also complaining that said absence is spilling over into their domestic lives, as well. “I pointlessly heckled my wife last night while she was in the middle of telling me that I should at least do the dishes if all I’m going to be doing is hosting recycling picnics,” said another anonymous MP. “I’m so used to yelling all the way across the parliament floor, and in unison with the other backbenchers, that she nearly broke down in tears based on the volume of my booing alone, nevermind the fact that I called her ex-husband a ‘previous administration’ that was responsible for the shambles she is today.”

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on January 7, 2010 7:37 PM.

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