Dr. Dawg

"Why are bloggers male?"

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...asks Margaret Wente in today's Globe & Mail.

My first thought: Kate McMillan won't like that. My second thought: can we expect another post in her tiresome "Not Waiting for the Asteroid" series? If this keeps on, she might actually have a point.

Commenter "pipesdreams," in any case, has done all the heavy lifting necessary:

If the author had bothered to do any research at all, she would have seen that the statistics from popular blogging communities beg to differ. See: LiveJournal's gender divide http://www.livejournal.com/stats.bml that shows 63% of women more likely to maintain a blog versus 37% of men.

But here's Wente, who sounds personally stung:

Perhaps you've noticed that most of the comments on these websites are not terribly sophisticated. They contain a large insult quotient, even when they come from people with advanced degrees.

Surely not.


All you have to do is write "Margaret Wente is an idiot" and hit send. Instant gratification!

This time I managed to restrain myself. :)

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