Dr. Dawg

If the Toronto police

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had had months, not days, to play with their female victims...

[T]he pale-skinned, brown-haired girl—half Croat, half Muslim—spoke of being imprisoned with her mother and two dozen other women in the basement of a municipal hall in her home town of Teslic, in north-central Bosnia. Her jailers, Bosnian Serb irregulars, raped her and the others and forced them to have sex with uniformed Bosnian Serb troops deploying through the area. She and her mother each had to watch as the other was gang-raped three times a day, every day, for four months. Mirsada was released only when she became visibly pregnant, and her jailer-rapists said, “Go bear our Serbian children.”

Rape as a weapon of war. Rape as a weapon of the state.

Amy Miller - Alternative Media Centre, Independent Journalist from Darren Puscas on Vimeo.

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on June 29, 2010 9:16 AM.

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