Dr. Dawg

And speaking of barbarism...

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Iran is in the news again.

Back in 2008, I noted that an Iranian-Canadian blogger, Hossein Derakhshan, had disappeared in Iran after he went back to the old country for a visit. The government had jailed him, as it turns out, on the usual trumped-up charges.

Now, two years later, the thugs who run the place have apparently decided to kill him.

That's what they do in that neck of the woods. It's their solution to every problem. Just kill a few people and everything will be right in the morning.

Let the Iranian Embassy know what you think. Ignore the tone of this post and try to stay polite. Maybe the government will exchange him for a healthy ransom instead.

UPDATE: (September 23) More--a lot more--from Jim Elve. Go read.

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on September 22, 2010 4:28 PM.

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