Dr. Dawg

Stacy Bonds strip-search video [updated]

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(Courtesy of the Ottawa Citizen’s Gary Dimmock.)


Why haven’t the cops involved in this brutal assault been criminally charged?

Why did Crown Attorney Matt Humphreys prosecute their victim for assault after having seen this video? Why is he still employed?

Why is his idiotic boss John Ayre still employed?

And come to think of it, why is the Attorney General of Ontario still employed? An inquiring criminologist wants to know.

Good grief, it’s pigs all the way down.

UPDATE: I am advised that the judge released only portions of the video.

UPPERDATE: The assault on Stacy Bonds, as I have noted before, is presently being investigated by the Ontario Special Investigations Unit. Good luck with that.

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on November 25, 2010 6:44 PM.

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