Dr. Dawg

More desperate Liberal agitprop

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Patricia Pearson dons some borrowed plumage to denounce NDP candidate Olivia Chow.

She’s the grand-daughter of Lester B. Pearson, see, so pay attention, plebes. Her post is actually a bit of a masterpiece: well-crafted and sinuous, with an adoring following of Liberal cheerleaders in tow in the comment thread. The gist of it all is that the NDP are just terrible for criticizing Liberals during the current campaign. Pearson would apparently support them if they agreed to commit collective hara-kiri to clear the way for Michael Ignatieff.

Instead the wretches are now neck and neck with the Natural Governing Party. The fear of losing political entitlement is palpable. So Pearson was rude to an NDP campaign worker.

Meanwhile, the Liberals have been issuing press releases blasting the NDP, and outing gay NDP candidates and their partners, but that’s different—not worth mentioning. IOKIYAL.

It almost goes without saying, by the way, that a Liberal like Pearson brooks no dissent. My comment, reproduced below, was deleted without ceremony:

I won’t join your admiring choir. Your letter, admittedly well-crafted, is simply Liberal propaganda, and reeks of entitlement. To summarize: how dare the NDP run a strong campaign! The nerve of them to be neck and neck with the Natural Governing Party!

It would appear that Jack has the same chance of being the next Prime Minister as Michael Ignatieff. That’s what must gall.

Let the chips fall where they may. Harper is unappealing, to be sure, but Ignatieff has supported him on every fundamental issue before the House.

You want cooperation out of the NDP? Just who ruled out a centre-left coalition, anyway?

That’s how Liberals roll. No wonder Jack is eating them alive.

UPDATE: Back from the aether, my comment has reappeared as #31. [H/t reader ftbt]

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