Dr. Dawg

swing33.ca: strategic giving to depose Harper

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gift in hand.jpg

Mitch Anderson has done something intriguing that progressives may want to consider.

He has set up a website to promote strategic campaign donations. In it, he catalogues 33 ridings that were narrowly decided in favour of the Conservatives in the last election. The site makes it easy to donate to the opposition candidate.

Whatever your view of strategic voting (and I’m lukewarm at best to this practice, encouraged by our antiquated “first past the post” electoral system), strategic campaign donating is well worth consideration.

Check it out!

[H/t Amir Attaran, b/c]

UPDATE: Reader “forgot to buy tinfoil” draws our attention to a novel way of voting strategically—vote-swapping. Well worth a look.

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on April 5, 2011 10:30 AM.

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