Attention, university students: want to know what the Conservatives really think of you?
Was the attempted seizure of a ballot box at the University of Guelph, and the Cons’ heavy-handed attempt to nullify student votes there, not enough of a message? Then check out former Harper speechwriter Michael Taube’s sneer of contempt in yesterday’s Ottawa Citizen.
…[I]s it a wise idea to encourage young people to vote who aren’t well informed on politics and current events to begin with? For instance, there is a political radicalism among youth -especially the type of youth who would stay home on election day -that could lead to many fringe parties receiving votes. This is good for democracy, but not necessarily for political stability. While no one is expecting all young people to have PhD-level understanding of the Canadian political system, a decent amount of knowledge would be nice.
Democracy vs. stability. Guess we know which one Taube favours. Which alternative will fired-up young voters choose?
Neither, Taube claims. You’re going to stay home, sez he:
A vote mob is simply a silly, feel-good event to put on some music, dress in matching costumes, paint your faces, and make pointless YouTube videos saying you’re going to vote. Having a “surprise party” with fellow university students doesn’t mean you are going to make the effort to learn about the candidates, parties and issues. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of these participants stayed home on May 2.
There you have it, you ignorant yokels. Why not send your own message to the Cons on election day?