Dr. Dawg

Open racism from Tim Hudak

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Hudak what witches.jpg

Words almost fail. A proposed Liberal tax credit to encourage businesses to give new immigrants a leg up in the Ontario economy “doesn’t fit the values of Ontario families.”

So says nativist/Teabagger Tim Hudak, leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservatives.

The proposed program would restrict eligibility to new Canadian citizens who have lived in Canada for at least up to five years.

Citizens, geddit?

But to Hudak, these Canadians are “foreign workers.” Not real Canadians. Not real Ontarians.

His minions have cranked out an attack ad entitled “Ontarians Need Not Apply.”

Which Ontarians, Tim? Why are you deliberately leaving out so many of them, perhaps a little duskier in hue than you and your angry yokel base?

That’s not a dogwhistle, old boy. That’s a foghorn.

[H/ts fern hill, Warren Kinsella and Terrence Watson]

UPDATE: Hudak’s rank hypocrisy.

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