Dr. Dawg

Paul. Hat. Ring.

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It’s official. Paul Dewar is running for the leadership of the NDP.

In front of an enthusiastic crowd, so large that many couldn’t fit into the Pearson Room at the Lord Elgin Hotel where he made his announcement, Paul simply shone.

No savvy backroom boy or mouthy firebrand, he was just himself, but somehow alight. He set out his vision for Canada with an economy of words, and addressed his Achilles heel—his knowledge of French—head-on. He stated unequivocally that fluency in both official languages is a bottom-line requirement for a leader of the NDP, and he will meet that challenge. I believe him.

Paul is a WYSIWYG kind of guy, utterly without guile. If folks want a new kind of politics, with plenty of substance and direct grassroots participation, then Paul is the only choice in the current field of candidates.

No empty rhetoric, no cant phrases, just sincerity backed by wisdom, knowledge and experience. A quiet yet striking charisma, an ability to get things done by working with others, even across party lines. How many people could take down John Baird—and make him laugh while it’s happening?

Some brief background info here.

I’m frankly overjoyed that he made the decision he did. Go, Paul, go!

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on October 2, 2011 2:50 PM.

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