Word for word, blogger âpihtawikosisân’s detailed deconstruction of Conservative myths and stereotypes about Attawapiskan has been ripped off, for want of a better phrase, by some dude from in the National Post, a Brett Hodnett.*
Yes, there’s a link at the bottom that few will follow, thinking that the guy with the byline wrote the article. The blogger herself isn’t named. It’s great to get the word out about Attawapiskat, but there are more above-board ways to do it.
Sounds like it’s high time for NaPo to be put under third-party management. Disgraceful.
UPDATE: Unsurprisingly, âpihtawikosisân shows real class:
I am not going to get too upset about it. They did not alter my work or misrepresent it in any important way. There is attribution, though it is not immediately recognisable as such. I’m not going to assume bad faith here, since it is much more important to me that the piece be out there than having everyone know I wrote it. I have contacted the National Post, and I am hoping that they will make the attribution clearer. If not…does it really matter? It’s not like I’m losing money on this (none to lose) and the message is a good one even if some people believe another person wrote it. I will use a stronger license in the future though.
[H/t reader Tariqata and to Balbulican for âpihtawikosisân’s response]
UPPERDATE: And the National Post apologizes:
Note: This article was inadvertently credited to Brett Hodnett. Full Comment apologizes for any confusion, which was due to a misunderstanding on our part. As noted, the original article, written by Chelsea Vowel, appeared on the site âpihtawikosisân.
She’s got a new post up, on First Nations taxation. Go read!
[H/t reader Holly Stick]
* This appeared in the Post’s Full Comment, which reprints various blogposts from time to time. I am assured by someone who knows that Hodnett is not a National Post staff writer.