Dr. Dawg

Oakland: violent cop identified

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Oakland police.jpg

Last evening the Oakland, CA police used high levels of violence to break up a demonstration by members of #OccupyOakland.

One officer, badge #119, threw a young, 100-lb, pregnant* woman off her bicycle (@56:00), putting her in hospital. An unconfirmed report states that he struck her as she was being carried away on a stretcher.

#119 has been identified as 37-year-old Rodney Kirkland, Sr., who works, if you can believe it, in the Youth and Family Services Division of the Oakland PD.

His current address:

1439 72nd Ave Oakland, CA 94621-3109

Home telephone: 510-261-0274

Cell: 510-823-8063

The brave Rodney Kirkland makes an annual salary of $201,693.72 (US).

[H/t Anonymous]

*The 19-year old woman responds on Twitter: “I am not pregnant. Cancer and beat by an officer, yes.”

UPPERDATE: The Oakland police are effectively out of control, and the department may soon be placed under receivership for repeated civil rights violations.

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on January 29, 2012 10:58 AM.

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