Dr. Dawg

Nothing new under the Sun?

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News of a Colombian FARCe:

The [Colombian] chief prosecutor’s office obtained an arrest warrant Thursday for ex-President Alvaro Uribe’s longtime peace commissioner for allegedly choreographing the bogus surrender of a column of leftist guerrillas….a March 2006 public ceremony, over which [Luis Carlos] Restrepo presided, in which 63 members of the so-called “Cacica Gaitana” bloc of the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) disarmed in the central state of Tolima.

Various of the men who posed as guerrillas later testified that they were not insurgents but rather thieves, indigents and unemployed who were recruited by a jailed former FARC fighter and paid at least $250 each for participating.

What—no government employees available?

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