Dr. Dawg

Stupid Con tricks: voter suppression

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Conservative slime.jpg

Don’t the Harpercons ever have an original thought rattling around in their empty heads, even when it comes to dirty tricks?

From giving their infamous Internet snoop bill the all-but-same title as a similar Republican move in the US to voter suppression.

Here’s a little juxtaposition without contrast:

How much more sleaze has oozed across the world’s longest undefended border into a country I used to recognize?

[H/t Stephen Wicary via Kev Kelly]

UPDATE: Oh, Heavens no! Us? Plausible deniability kicks in—and no doubt the eventual underbussing of a subaltern.*

“The Conservative Party of Canada ran a clean and ethical campaign and would never tolerate such activity,” Jenni Byrne, the Conservative Party’s national campaign manager for the 2011 election, in a statement.

“The party was not involved with these calls and if anyone on a local campaign was involved they will not play a role in a future campaign.”

What, your “vital freedom of speech” alibi isn’t working so good now?

UPPERDATE: (February 24) *As I said. 1 down—26 more ridings still require their sacrifical victims.

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