Don’t the Harpercons ever have an original thought rattling around in their empty heads, even when it comes to dirty tricks?
From giving their infamous Internet snoop bill the all-but-same title as a similar Republican move in the US to voter suppression.
Here’s a little juxtaposition without contrast:
Harper’s Conservatives use robocalls to suppress the vote.
How much more sleaze has oozed across the world’s longest undefended border into a country I used to recognize?
[H/t Stephen Wicary via Kev Kelly]
UPDATE: Oh, Heavens no! Us? Plausible deniability kicks in—and no doubt the eventual underbussing of a subaltern.*
“The Conservative Party of Canada ran a clean and ethical campaign and would never tolerate such activity,” Jenni Byrne, the Conservative Party’s national campaign manager for the 2011 election, in a statement.
“The party was not involved with these calls and if anyone on a local campaign was involved they will not play a role in a future campaign.”
What, your “vital freedom of speech” alibi isn’t working so good now?
UPPERDATE: (February 24) *As I said. 1 down—26 more ridings still require their sacrifical victims.