Dr. Dawg

NDP Convention flashbang

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First ballot, and the floor is aflame with speculation.

Paul Dewar did not do well—7.4% of the ballots cast. He dropped, but will not endorse anyone. Martin Singh managed to prevail over Niki Ashton (5.8% to 5.7%), and immediately threw his votes to Tom Mulcair. Ashton isn’t endorsing anyone either.

Peggy Nash won 12.8%, Brian Topp is up there with 21.3%, and, as expected, Mulcair is out in front—but with less than required to position him for eventual victory (30.2%).

Tweet of the Moment award to Warren Kinsella: “When he didn’t hit 35%, Mulcair started yelling at delegates and staff. Business as usual, in other words.” Truth is, I can’t tell if he’s funnin’ or serious.

It will be a more interesting day than many of us imagined And, I suspect, a much longer one.

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on March 24, 2012 10:40 AM.

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