A Canadian progressive blogroll has been launched at last. Check it out, and if you’re comfortable with the principles on the masthead, join us!
This is a blogroll without “except-fors.” You know those pesky old “except-fors,” right? I’m all for gay rights, except for gay marriage. I’m against discrimination, except for women who wear hijab. I support women’s equality, except for their right to choose abortion.
“Except-fors” are sometimes shortened to “buts.” I’m all for feminism, but…. I’m anti-racist, but….
But us no buts. We’ll have thoughtful, vigorous debates, and passionate disagreements, on our own blogs and with fellow Canadian Progressives—as we have had before. We’ll even have bitter, contentious disputes on occasion—I’m sure of it.
When it comes to our unequivocal commitment to human rights, however, there’s no daylight between any of us. And what better basis of mutual agreement—our defining characteristic,if you will—could there be for folks who consider themselves progressive? That, in any case, is what brought us together.
Just to be clear—your membership in other blogrolls is not our concern. If you feel at home in our ranks, welcome! We look forward to your company.
One final word: I’d be remiss if I didn’t express my personal gratitude to Pale of A Creative Revolution for taking the initiative to get this thing up and running, and for the hard work she and others have put into it. Brava, bravissima, and thank you for building this house.