Two takes on freedom of speech:
When our parliamentarians shoot off their mouths in the House of Commons, the laws against libel and defamation do not apply should they stray from the facts to better their story.
Spout spurious fiction? No harm, no foul. They have immunity.
Step outside the Commons and repeat the same allegations, however, and the real world offers no such protection — all which explains why Winnipeg’s loose-lipped NDP MP Pat Martin is spending his summer vacation desperately begging for defence fund donations.
You may never have heard of them or their site. You may not like Freedominion. But if you value free speech then I am asking you to give to them.
They need $14,000. I know you can do this. You don’t need to give a lot but if everyone gives a little then you will be helping stand up for free speech.
It’s a fundamental freedom right now, let’s keep it that way.
Shorter Lilley: IOKIYAC.