Dr. Dawg

US War on Women: Ch. 1,457

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Bei Bei Shui.jpg

Will the gender-fascist sickness sweeping the state of Indiana and other parts of the US spread to Canada?

Bei Bei Shuai tried to commit suicide while pregnant. She lived: the fetus did not.

For the information of those who thought that Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale was a work of fiction, Shuai was shortly afterwards charged with murder and attempted feticide, and she spent more than a year in prison. She was finally released on bail earlier this year, and must wear a GPS ankle bracelet.

The prosecution is now attempting to muzzle both Shuai and her lawyer, after a plea bargain was offered and rejected in which, in return for dropping the murder charge, Shuai could have pled guilty to the attempted feticide one and faced a mere twenty-year prison term.

Those Canadians who saw nothing wrong with an attempt in 2008 by Conservative MP Ken Epp to pass a feticide law had better take note:

The feticide law, introduced in Indiana in 1979, was designed with violent third parties in mind: abusive boyfriends or husbands who attacked their pregnant partners, causing them to lose their unborn babies. It was enhanced to carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in 2007 after a bank robbery in which a pregnant woman was shot in the stomach, killing her fetus but leaving her alive.

The first and only person ever charged under this offence is Bei Bei Shuai.

The Indiana legislature, by no coincidence, recently attempted to strip Planned Parenthood of its Medicaid funding. So far, this attempt has been successfully resisted as a violation of federal law.

While matters proceed apace in Gilead, Conservative MP Stephen Woodworth’s oh-so-innocent Motion 312, an attempt to push legal personhood for fetuses, is slated for a debate and a vote in the House of Commons in September.

The hidden agenda here is not so deeply buried, and it’s a continent wide. Canadian women who are or could become pregnant are at serious risk should this or future measures ever pass in Parliament. The juridical cesspool of Indiana provides sufficient warning of what lies a few bends down that particular road.

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