Nimble-fingered Jymn of Let Freedom Rain caught and froze a Tweet today that tells us everything we need to know about the National Post’s Jonathan Kay. Here it is:
Jymn asks a pertinent question: what if we reversed the ethnicities here? Who would fail to denounce that hypothetical as a virulent instance of anti-Semitism?
So we are no longer dealing with Arab terrorists, or (once again hypothetically) a mob of Arabs beating a Jewish kid nearly to death, but just…Arabs. Heaven forbid that Jewish extremists would “look as bad as Arabs.”
Pay attention also to that word “look.” What Kay is saying is that the Jewish lynch mob in Jerusalem only appears to be as bad as “Arabs,” but really isn’t.
There’s an ugly word that covers this kind of generic disdain for an entire group of people. I wonder how much more of this sort of thing would fall out of the Post if one gave it a good shaking? There’s precedent.
[H/t Alheli Picazo and another to @AntoniaZ]