Dr. Dawg

Abortion: debate wide shut [updated]

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Just as the abortion debate wasn’t opened in the House of Commons, so it remains closed in Ontario. We have Stephen Harper and Peter Schurman’s separate assurances on that.

Political apophasis is the name of the game these days. So I will forebear from calling Harper and his junior in Ontario dishonest and hypocritical.

I continue to believe, however, that the real action is presently before the Supreme Court, which heard the Levkovic case yesterday and has reserved judgement.

What do we do if the Supremes establish a fetal viability standard? How can this fail to impact on choice? This is no time to fall asleep: better stay tuned and start strategizing.

UPDATE: (October 18) An important legal opinion on the case. [H/t Ben Oliphant]

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