Dr. Dawg

Of leather Barbies and polite society

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An Ottawa sex shop displays BDSM Barbies, and hilarity ensues.

Wicked Wanda’s Adult Emporium became a target for criticism and discussion last week after it unveiled a front window display featuring leather-clad Barbie dolls in provocative poses.

Dolls of both genders are used to depict scenes of whipping and bondage in the store window.

Resident Shannon Lee Mannion complained about the display to Councillor Diane Holmes and other community organizations, concerned that it “overstepped the bounds of propriety.”

Which I might have thought was the whole point. Whose bo(u)nds are tighter, by the way—those of straight society, or those in a play scene?

The display is now in the shadows, behind a screen. And some might argue that this makes it that much more authentic.

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