Dr. Dawg

Help put out the SUN

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SubMedia just can’t stop bullying people. It’s the way conservatives and their house organs are made. It’s in their DNA.

A few days ago we learned that a young couple had been attacked by SubTV’s loudest voice for attending a demonstration in Toronto when they were actually out of the country. When the Subbers were informed of this inconvenient truth—they ran the segment again.

Now two young Afghan women are asking for our support. They are strong opponents of the war in Afghanistan, and fairly outspoken about it. For this, they were smeared by the Subbers as, inter alia, “Taliban supporters.”

(Gosh. I’m having a distinct sense of déjà vu for some reason.)

They want to sue, and they should, but they need some help. They’ve put up their request here. Let’s all pitch in a few bucks. Try to restrain yourself from sending money to SubMedia too.

Show these freedom-to-bully characters that free speech doesn’t mean consequence-free speech. It’s time the mandatory carriage folks learn the meaning of accountability. What are you waiting for?

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on February 11, 2013 11:37 AM.

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