
Windows ate

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A quick hit on the matter of marketing again, this time non-allegorically. Reports have shown that Windows 8 may actually be hurting PC sales, due to some sort of silliness involving getting rid of the Start menu. I’m basically a 100% Linux shop both at home and at work, but some of that same silliness has crept, alas, into Ubuntu, which at one point was a miracle distribution, but is now increasingly ridiculous with all the tabletitis. (I use XFCE over Ubuntu which solves most of the problems.)

Truth is, the PC with keyboard-and-mouse ain’t going away. By the way, I very happily still use a BB with a trackpad and keyboard, and dread a future where I MUST have a touchscreen, which I generally dislike. Android and iPhone suck, and their popularities show that people have no taste and nothing better to do.

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This page contains a single entry by Mandos published on April 23, 2013 12:15 PM.

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