Dr. Dawg

Security theatre outtake

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Speaking from experience, don’t try this trick with salad dressing or toothpaste.

A young man tried to board an aircraft in Edmonton with a pipe-bomb in his carry-on. The CATSA security guard who discovered it, complete with visible fuse, attempted to hand it back to him.

The teenager, caught on video, was visibly shocked when the guard pulled it out of his camera bag—which saved his hide when he was eventually hauled before a judge. He had apparently forgotten about it, having earlier planned to blow up a shed with it. He insisted that the guard keep it, and proceeded on his way to Mexico.

CATSA alerted the RCMP four days later.

The best part of the story:

The day Murphy returned from Mexico, he was arrested by a large number of uniformed officers, a SWAT team and bomb-sniffing dogs.

Maybe a little slow out of the starting gate, but Canada’s finest are damn well on the job.


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