
Featured Today at the Dawgtion: Official Global Warming and Pirates Coffee Cup!

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Lot 3: Not since Socrates drank hemlock has a single cup carried such philosophical weight. This handsome vessel, designed by the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, provided definitive proof that the REAL cause of Global Warming is the lack of pirates. It’s inarguable - look, there’s a GRAPH!

Dishwasher and microwave safe, this 15 oz. cup is guaranteed to warm your coffee (but NOT the climate) for years.

Place your bids in the comments below, with a $1.00 minimum for each increasing bid. Bidding will close April 15 at noon (12h00 Pacific Time) No bid received after the closing time will be accepted.

Items will shipped, postage paid, upon receipt of payment at the indiegogo site specifying the item number, or upon receipt of a money order or certified cheque.

By the way - there’s still time to bid before the weekend on Lot # 2, the Mt. Tremblant ski package. Remember, any bid will be accepted, but a bid of $50 wins the lot immediately.

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This page contains a single entry by Balbulican published on April 1, 2015 7:00 AM.

Featured Today at the Dawgtion: Mont Tremblant Ski Package! [UPDATED] was the previous entry in this blog.

Featured Today at the Dawgtion: "Oryx and Crake", Inscribed by Margaret Atwood is the next entry in this blog.

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