Dr. Dawg

Muslims Facing Tomorrow

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I’m indebted to my old Twitter friend Stephen Lautens for this one, via Holly Stick here at Dawg’s. A pro-Harper Muslim astroturf association has sprung into being, with the following Advisory Board:

Stephen Schwartz - Executive Director of Center for Islamic Pluralism (USA)
The Honourable Reuben Bromstein
Mr. David B. Harris - Lawyer and National Security Consultant (Ottawa)
Ms. Christine Williams - Journalist and international award-winning talk show Host and Producer at CTS TV in Burlington, Ontario
Mr. Shimon Fogel - CEO of The Centre for Israel & Jewish Affairs (CIJA), Ottawa
Dr. Dilkhush Panjwani - Staff Psychiatrist at Trillium Health Centre & Credit Valley Hospital
Professor Munawar Karim, Chairman, Department of Physics, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, New York
Ms. Marina Nemat - Author of Prisoner of Tehran, Activist
Dr. Shiv Talwar - Founding President of Spiritual Heritage Education Network Inc.
Mr. Fred Litwin - President of the Free Thinking Film Society of Ottawa.
Professor Mark Concordia, Counter-terrorism Subject Matter Expert, Department of Criminal Justice, Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, New York.

Heart-warming to see the ethnic and religious diversity here. But wait—one group appears to be missing. Can you spot which one?

UPDATE: Whoops. As pointed out by reader Marky Mark, Stephen Schwartz is a convert to Sufism, formerly a Presbyterian, with a Jewish father and a Communist mother. A one-man melting pot.

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