Dr. Dawg

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I wish I'd said that...

A guest editorial about the riding of Ottawa-Centre:

"This finally brings me to Richard Mahoney. His candidacy represents everything I find reprehensible about Canada's clubby political, corporate and class system, a smarmy hideous monster in its own right, the latest incarnation being represented by Paul Martin's Liberal machine. He is the insider's insider, the lobbyist's lobbyist, all spin, no him. There is nothing there that is not crafted, fake and equivocal. His candidacy, his methodology, and his reasoning are the amoral antithesis of what I consider good and decent for this country. He represents the opposite of what the other candidates offer: Cynicism that relies on a mix of pessimism, apathy and fear. You want scary? That is scary."

No kidding. Mahoney didn't like what a local community newspaper said about him: he threatened to sue. He didn't like what NDP candidate Paul Dewar said about him: he served papers on Dewar this past week.

My riding is going to Paul Dewar, and the forces of light will continue to shine, if not on a new Canada, at least on Ottawa-Centre, its ground prepared by the redoubtable Ed Broadbent. Perhaps, given the polls, only a candle in the darkness, but a bright and warm one in the middle of the winter of our discontent.

Go, Richard Mahoney, go! If you get my drift.

UPDATE: (January 23). And he went.

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