One of Ottawa's most prominent gay-baiters, Rabbi Reuven Bulka, is set to receive an honorary doctorate from Carleton University on June 13. Author of "One Man, One Woman, One Lifetime - An Argument for Moral Tradition," Bulka is well-known on the "pro-life" speaking circuit, and has has spoken out publicly against same-sex marriage in Canada.
His views on homosexuality can only be characterized as extreme. Bulka sits on the so-called "Scientific Advisory Committee" of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), a fringy far-right outfit in the United States that believes homosexuality is a disease that can be "cured."
Carleton University is well-known in Canada for its progressive values--it has long prided itself on its diversity and inclusiveness. Its decision to honour Bulka flies in the face of these values. Anyone interested in questioning this eminently questionable decision should get in touch with the President of Carleton University, Dr. David Atkinson, at And why not drop a line to Dr. Marc Garneau, Carleton's Chancellor, while you're at it? He can be reached through the Departmental Administrator of the Carleton Board of Governors, Ms. Barbara Steele, at
UPDATE: (May 25) The Carleton University GLBTQ Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity is now busy moblilizing against the award. There will be an article in the student newspaper, a letter-writing campaign and a protest at convocation if the university presses forward. Meetings are planned with Dr. Atkinson and with groups such as EGALE. Stay tuned for more.
His views on homosexuality can only be characterized as extreme. Bulka sits on the so-called "Scientific Advisory Committee" of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), a fringy far-right outfit in the United States that believes homosexuality is a disease that can be "cured."
Carleton University is well-known in Canada for its progressive values--it has long prided itself on its diversity and inclusiveness. Its decision to honour Bulka flies in the face of these values. Anyone interested in questioning this eminently questionable decision should get in touch with the President of Carleton University, Dr. David Atkinson, at And why not drop a line to Dr. Marc Garneau, Carleton's Chancellor, while you're at it? He can be reached through the Departmental Administrator of the Carleton Board of Governors, Ms. Barbara Steele, at
UPDATE: (May 25) The Carleton University GLBTQ Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity is now busy moblilizing against the award. There will be an article in the student newspaper, a letter-writing campaign and a protest at convocation if the university presses forward. Meetings are planned with Dr. Atkinson and with groups such as EGALE. Stay tuned for more.