Dr. Dawg

Montebello: an invitation to be heard

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Feel like firing off a few letters to the powers that be? RightOnCanada makes it easy for you. Follow the link above. (H/t Larry Hubich)

Meanwhile, a few choice quotes that stand out from the week's events:

When protesters are yelling at undercover police officers to "put down the rock!", something’s clearly amiss. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?
Lord Kitchener's Own

In this case, [the SQ officers] didn't defuse conflict, they provoked conflict. Martin Courcy, conflict management expert

They won't be winning any Oscars for their performance. Senior Sreté du Québec officer.

I'm sure the RCMP will get to the bottom of this. In fact, I'm sure they've been there all along. Caroline Fram, commenter at the Globe and Mail

The SQ officer was carrying the rock to blend in. No, wait, a protester gave him the rock to throw. [paraphrase of SQ spokesperson Marcel Savard's two stories]

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on August 25, 2007 10:21 AM.

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