Dr. Dawg

Scratch a conservative...

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...who throws around the "anti-Semitic" label a tad freely, and underneath you just might find a genocidal psychopath (h/t) or a racist-enabler:

Mark my words - the moment is approaching when a bandana [sic] prowling these police protected barricades will end up in the crosshairs of someone's high powered rifle.

And Happy National Aboriginal Day to you too.

Meanwhile, to offset to some mild degree the destruction of some grape vines
by anti-occupation protesters on the West Bank (did the settlers actually plant those vines?), here are a few reports to tickle the hearts of the pro-occupation set (you know, the ones who refer to Palestine as Judea and Samaria):

Settlers attack Palestinian olive harvesters, kill one

Gazans reclaim destroyed farmland

Policy of Destruction: House Demolition and Destruction of Agricultural Land in the Gaza Strip

Question of the Violation of Human Rights in the Occupied Arab Territories, Including Palestine

Thousands Displaced by Israeli Demolitions in Gaza

And don't forget to check out the story behind the picture above (click on it).

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on August 29, 2007 2:23 PM.

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