Dr. Dawg

The Harper government

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Big h/t to CC for this one, but I felt a need to comment. Dear Leader, eh? This is, all kidding aside, bordering on the abnormal:

Photographs of Mr. Harper in various poses, at various sites, are hung throughout the private and cosy government lobby of the House of Commons.


"When you walk in the door, all you see are pictures of Stephen Harper," said [Green Party leader Elizabeth] May.

"I'd say between every window, in every available space of the wall, at eye level, every available space has a photo of Stephen Harper."

"You've got photos of Stephen Harper, but not of previous prime ministers," she added. "Photos of Stephen Harper in different costumes, in different settings, dressed as a fireman, in Hudson Bay looking for polar bears, meeting the Dalai Lama, even the portrait of the Queen had to have Stephen Harper, but in a candid, behind her."


A press aide to Mr. Harper said he would get back with an explanation, but didn't.

The exposition might not be too surprising, though.The prime minister's official Christmas card last December portrayed Mr. Harper looking out a living room window adorned with 24 photographs, small to large, of Mr. Harper in various poses.

One Conservative said the Harper photos have been up for at least three months.

Another, Calgary MP Deepak Obhrai, was a bit reluctant after question period to talk about the exhibit, possibly because another Tory, Secretary of State Jason Kenney, happened to be walking by just at that moment.

And then the money quote:

"Well, this is the Harper government," said Mr. Obhrai.

Indeed it is.

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