Dr. Dawg

Violence against women

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...conservative style. Words fail me. And no illustration seems to fit.

Violence flows naturally from that mindset. If they aren't into it themselves, so-cons always have thugs around to do their dirty work in the real world. Homophobic hate crime? They just pave the way with phoney "free speech" arguments, or post hatred simply because it makes them feel good. And leave themselves a little room to back away, of course, when there are real-life consequences.

H/t Slap Upside the Head via CC.

UPDATE: (November 11, Remembrance Day)

Check out the continuing sado-political commentary over at Dust My Broom. Eye-opening--especially today.

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on November 10, 2008 3:44 PM.

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