Dr. Dawg

CHRC staff cleared of theft of communications

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Buckets nailed it!

Another blow to the credibility of the slavering Speech Warriors™!

From the findings of the Privacy Commissioner:

An individual complained that the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) improperly collected and then subsequently used her personal information. Specifically, she complained that the CHRC accessed her wireless internet connection to log onto and post messages to a white supremacist website during the course of an investigation.


The investigation found no evidence that the CHRC ever collected any personal information about the complainant or in fact that the CHRC had any knowledge about the complainant prior to the allegations made in the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal public hearing.

There is no evidence that the CHRC ever collected or improperly used, disclosed or retained the complainant’s personal information.

If CHRC employee Dean Steacy were to take appropriate action against those who have libeled him, I, for one, would be willing to send him a substantial cheque--no PayPal button required.

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