Dr. Dawg

Conservative civility (NSFW)

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Blogging Tory Darcey Jerrom muses about progressives:

Pieces of shit bitch about nothing but then again everything they say is asshole. The wonderful piece of shit members of the Council of Canadians are also intertwined with the wonderful piece of shit 9/11 troofers and typically spend their time attacking the one issue wonder of water trade with Obama's America. Outside of that they masturbate a lot, spend time on the 'progressive' Canadian forum Rabble and in general are around to oppose the old American administration of George Bush and promote social justice which is just another word for communism.

Hope you die you bastards, hope you die.

It's all there--sex, scat,
eliminationism. The concise version of the far-right Weltanschauung. A clinician's dream.

[H/t CC]

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on April 24, 2009 8:42 AM.

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