Dr. Dawg

Congratulations, Damian

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...and to your spouse.

Not being much of a Facebooker, I missed mention of this blessed event a few days ago.

Everyone please welcome Brendan William Penny, born Wednesday, July 8, at 1:07 am. He weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces.

"Mother and child are doing very well," says Damian, "except for the lack of sleep between 11PM and 5AM. " Ditto the father.

The kid may grow up to be a blogger, says Damian. But on which side of the aisle?

I often think it's comical--Fal, lal, la! Fal, lal, la!
How Nature always does contrive--Fal, lal, la, la!

That every boy and every gal

That's born into the world alive

Is either a little Liberal

Or else a little Conservative!

Best wishes. You're missed in the blogosphere.

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on July 18, 2009 9:44 PM.

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