Dr. Dawg

"Cheeto-eating people in the basement working in their underwear who write blogs"

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Um...not them. Us. So much for the viral, intertubing Democratic grassroots.

The Republicans are rushing to the far Right, guns a-blazing--and the Obama forces, it seems, are in hot pursuit.

Read all about it here. Public health care option? Defenders are "the left of the left." Gay rights? Supporters are "naive," an "internet left fringe." Ditto if you want to shut down Gitmo, or leave Afghanistan.

Obama, everybody's pal, playing cynical machine politics? Say it isn't so.
And yet the evidence mounts: despite the fact that his party controls both houses of Congress, he's a President so apparently fussed about the right-wing insurgency and its insurrectionist potential that he's racing to close the gap. And countless members of the keyboard campaign that put him where he is today are left eating his dust.

[H/t West End Bob at Galloping Beaver]

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