Dr. Dawg

Suck it up

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...or else.

Here's the story. And here's Free Dominatrix Connie Fournier:

So, it sounds like most people who actually knew him thought the shooter was a pretty normal guy.* However, someone decided he was a "racist", and he was suspended from his job and his reputation was ruined.

Then they wonder why the guy snapped and started shooting people!

Well, all I can say is that I'm surprised that more victims of the "racist" witch hunt haven't done similar things.
[emphasis added]

Sweet. Get the message, you coloureds?

[H/t CC]

*A "pretty normal guy" with a swastika tattoo, described by co-workers as a "white supremacist," who once stabbed a teenager to death over a spilled drink. [H/t Holly Stick]

[Editor's note: the photo is of the Fourniers receiving the "George Orwell Free Speech Award" in 2009. Previous honorees include Holocaust-deniers Ernst Zündel, Malcolm Ross, David Irving and James Keegstra.]

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