Dr. Dawg

May Day nostalgia

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"When I hear the Internationale, I feel the beautiful melody again and again--but I feel the tragedy, too."

Happy International Workers' Day!

Kuhu piti: m te tangata whenua o Aotearoa:

Te Hunga Mahi

Maranga mai te hunga mahi
Wetekina ng here
Ko te mana hinengaro
Ko te waka m ttou
Kti r te wehi noa
E te iwi, e t, e t
Ka huri r te ao katoa
Ka eke r te taumata

Anei te whana kai tangata
Whakapiri mai, aku hoa
Ko te hunga mahi,
Ko te ao katoa
Anei te whana kai tangata
Whakapiri mai, aku hoa
Ko te hunga mahi,
M te ao katoa

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This page contains a single entry by Dr. Dawg published on May 1, 2010 12:56 PM.

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