A few days before his tangle with the 100-lb. Stacy Bonds, Ottawa Police Sgt. Steve Desjourdy had an encounter with another female prisoner in the Ottawa Police lock-up.
As reported by the Ottawa Citizen’s Gary Dimmock (follow him on Twitter) he approached the kneeling prisoner in her cell.
He kicked her in the back, bashing her into the stainless steel cell toilet.
He then kicked her a second time.
He stood over her while a female police officer entered the cell and stripped off the prisoner’s clothes.
As this point the prisoner grabbed at Desjourdy’s leg. This was all the excuse he needed, and he Tasered her twice.
His punishment? A three-month demotion—because he showed “remorse.”
And a mere 26 days later, his remorse apparently having dissipated, Desjourdy was at it again.
He remains on full salary while Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit investigates.