[Editor’s note: While the battle of lawyers and non-lawyers in the comment thread and elsewhere remains fascinating, and I for one hope it never ends, readers are asked to keep their eyes on the prize, the latter being Patrick Ross, believed to be in the Edmonton area. Tips on his exact whereabouts will continue to be gratefully received. —DD]
A serial defamer against whom an $85,000 default judgement was issued late last year is nowhere to be found.
Readers may remember that blogger Patrick Ross fell afoul of the courts for a series of vicious defamations of Rob Day, known to many as “Canadian Cynic.” The text of the judgement may be found here.
While the original Notice of Libel was successfully served on Ross, both by email and to a Ross-like being in Edmonton, it has proven interestingly difficult to track the fellow down since. He appears to have moved, and finding him has proven challenging.
Ross’ defamatory material is still up at his blog, despite the order—but the latter must be served for it to take effect. No Ross, no address, no service. Yet he continues to Tweet avidly, and is posting again at his blog after a fairly long hiatus. He has also written an occasional piece or two for The Propagandist.
Far be it from me to suggest that Patrick Ross is attempting to evade service. He might not even be aware that the legal is in flight, if not yet landed. But it’s a civic duty, isn’t it, if I might paraphrase George W., to bring Ross to judgement, or, if not, to bring the judgement to Ross?
Hence I propose that we assist the course of justice by helping to alert Patrick Ross that his whereabouts are currently being sought, and to find the aforesaid Patrick Ross in meatspace.
I do not propose making his land-address public, but simply forwarding it to the successful complainant so that his attorneys may have the legal paper delivered. Be sure to drop me a line if you have good information—Dr.Dawg (at) gmail.com. All replies will be treated in the utmost confidence.
Readers can help in other ways as well. Visit a few of Patrick Ross’ former haunts, where he may still lurk. Leave a comment informing all and sundry about the judgement and the slurpy-delicious numbers involved—$75K damages and $10K legal costs. Ask politely where he might be found.
Let’s see what this here Human Search Engine can accomplish. Call it a New Year’s crowdsourcing challenge.
UPDATE: (January 7) From StatCounter.com:
Returning Visits: 20
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
IP Address: Shaw Communications ( [Label IP Address]
Entry Page: drdawgsblawg.ca/2011/01/whatever-happened-to-patrick-ross.shtml
Exit Page: /C:/Users/Patrick/Desktop/Dawgydefamation.htm
Referring URL: twitter.com/
From which may we deduce that 1) Ross is now aware of the default judgement; and 2) the poor soul imagines that I am the one guilty of defamation? I but ask.
UPPERDATE: Celebrated human rights litigator Richard Warman weighs in.