Back in January I posted an article about the current goings-on at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (not to be confused with the Canadian Human Rights Commission). It appears that yet another Harper appointee has been laying waste to the organization that she heads.
Shirish Chotalia is, by all accounts, a disaster on the scale of the discredited “Integrity Commissioner” Christiane Ouimet. She has bullied and harassed staff, and nothing is getting done. The obvious parallels with other agencies have been noted.
In January, the Ottawa Citizen’s Kathryn May reported:
More than half of the 25-member staff, including middle and senior level managers, have left, taken sick leave or retired over the past year. At least three have filed formal harassment complaints.
Today that stands at five complaints—fully one-quarter of the staff. And the business of the agency has been slowed to a halt:
The embattled Canadian Human Rights Tribunal was publicly rebuked Monday for a two-year delay in dealing with a case involving the welfare of First Nations children.
In a pointed statement, David Langtry, acting chief of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, said the tribunal’s failure to deal with the two-year-old case was having a direct impact on the lives of vulnerable children.
In a parallel action, the Ottawa lawyer acting for First Nations communities filed a statement with the Federal Court asking it to force the tribunal to deal with the case.
“It’s not simply about money or financial damages,” said lawyer Paul Champ, “it’s about vulnerable children who are being denied the equal right to stay in their homes and communities. It’s no exaggeration to say that more children are harmed every month that passes without this complaint being resolved.”
I first wrote about this case in 2009. Thanks to the incompetence—or the malevolence—of Harper appointee Chotalia, countless Native children are being hurt. Business as usual for the Conservative government.