Dr. Dawg

A Conservative candidate's fans libel a blogger

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What happens when you criticize the Harper Government™ too strongly? Get prepared for dirty tricks.

Just ask Ann Douglas, of One Woman, One Blog. Read the not-so-hilarious account of her visit to the office of Conservative MP Dean Del Mastro (Peterborough) last year.

She was looking for assistance after being libelled in a pro-Del Mastro Facebook group. The ensuing dialogue tells us all we need to know about the people now seeking a majority government. She went seeking relief, and wound up being interrogated by a Del Mastro flunky, Alan Wilson:

Why do you attack Dean as much as you do? (“I don’t attack him personally. I attack the CPC.”) What do you know about him as a politician? (“That he is a member of the CPC.”) You called him fatso. (“I never did. I never took out a kiiji ad. That’s why I’m saying it is libelous and inflammatory.”) Did you call him fatso? (“Never.”) Did you call him a goof? (“Never.”)

The “We LOVE Dean Del Mastro Fan Group” Facebook page libelling her (no link here) is still up. As she notes, the pseudonymous administrator scuttled off to his burrow shortly after her visit to Del Mastro’s office.

Contempt. This time, for ordinary citizens who dare to speak out against five years of Conservative misrule.

[H/t Bill Templeman via Warren Kinsella]

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