Dr. Dawg

Déjà vu all over again

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Oh, those rascally Liberals, the Conservatives moan:

“The Liberal ad uses some of the dirtiest tricks in the book — including twisting words out of context and deliberately altering dates to make old words appear recent,” Tory campaign manager Jenni Byrne wrote to party supporters in reaction to the new attack ad.

Er…may we juxtapose? Thank you:

April 12:

The Conservatives’ report, presented as a dissenting opinion to the Commons the morning Parliament was dissolved last month, quotes Sheila Fraser giving high marks to the Harper government for prudent spending on the summits.

But in a letter addressed to members of a Commons committee on Friday, which was received by the clerk and members on Monday, Fraser said the quote had nothing to do with the summits.

Instead, she said, the Conservatives inserted a 2010 comment she made during a CBC News interview on security spending by a previous Liberal government after the Sept. 11 attacks a decade ago.

April 13:

The two-page supplementary report on G8/G20 spending, which was tabled to the House of Commons the morning the government was defeated, was crafted by Conservative committee members to “reflect the strong positive feedback from testimony heard throughout the course of the study on the effectiveness of the expenses for the G8 and G20 summits.”

But a laudatory statement attributed to the Parliamentary Budget Officer came not from witness testimony, but rather from his report on the summits dated June 23 — before the G8 gathering began, and months before the committee launched hearings into the more than $1 billion in G8/G20 government spending. [emphases added]

Obviously none of this sort of thing should happen. But spare us, Cons. You should be flattered that the Libs borrowed from your own playbook.

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