Dr. Dawg

Tiger, tiger

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burning bright.

If the media can clamber out of the cesspool that the Sun has just brought to a lazy simmer, here’s a real scandal that the Con shills seem determined to ignore. No wonder.

Time to juxtapose:

An innocent Canadian citizen is exiled for six years. A sleazy Conservative minister uses every trick in the book to keep Abousfian Abdelrazik from his family. It requires the firm intervention of a federal court to allow him to come home.

Another Canadian, however, consorts with a leader in an organization deemed by his own party to be terrorist. He gets the nod as a Conservative candidate. And, when details publicly emerge, Harper shrugs, while a dubious fellow-candidate is neutered.

This stuff is news. But the press are busy chasing a salacious sixteen-year-old non-story obviously planted by the Conservatives instead. Our “liberal media” at work.


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