Dr. Dawg

The Mounties fail to get their man

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rcmp badge.jpg

…but running in abused women is another story:

In the two resolved complaints the RCMP acknowledged the police officers failed to follow several areas the Violence In Relationships (VIR) Violence Against Women In Relationships (VAWIR) Policy (the policy guiding their policing response in domestic violence cases) and failed to follow E” Division Operational Manual relating to Victim Service Programs and wrongfully arrested the battered women.

Maybe if female RCMP officers weren’t subject to vicious sexual harassment on the job, things might be different. But don’t expect that to stop anytime soon.

Dissolve this disgrace to Canada now and build a new national police force from the ground up. It’s not one or two rotten apples—it’s the whole barrel.

[H/t EndingViolence via deBeauxOs1]

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