Dr. Dawg

Ontario Cons lose fight

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And speaking of free expression…here is perhaps another case where we might hear from our Speech Warriorâ„¢ friends. Eventually.

Ontario Conservatives have been trying to muzzle a progressive Ontario coalition of unions called Working Families since they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in last year’s provincial election.

They have just lost a unanimous decision at the Ontario Court of Appeal.

And this is telling:

While the Tories could seek leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, PC MPP Lisa MacLeod said the party is determining its course of action.

“We’re leaving our options open but we will continue to fight this in the court of public opinion,” MacLeod (Nepean—Carleton) said from Ottawa.

“It’s something we firmly believe in and something we’re going to continue to pursue,” she said.

If left unchecked the Working Families will continue to attack Progressive Conservative party leaders as it has from Ernie Eves to John Tory and, of course, Tim Hudak.” [Emphasis added]

It really doesn’t get any clearer than that.

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