Dr. Dawg

Fetus "caravan" a no-show

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CLC prochoice.jpg

A van plastered with billboard-sized images of aborted fetuses, which has crossed the country over the past few weeks and disgusted many, failed to show up yesterday evening at the Greenbelt Baptist Church on the outskirts of Ottawa. A demonstration outside the non-event was, however, spirit-lifting. Two Members of Parliament were in attendance, Nycole Turmel and Djaouida Sellah, who gave a barn-burning speech. (Above, some sisters from the Canadian Labour Congress.)

The “caravan” ended up in Ottawa this past Saturday. In a parody of the original Abortion Caravan in 1970, anti-choice activists deposited a coffin at 24 Sussex Avenue as the nascent pro-choice movement did some 42 years ago. The next day the so-called “pro-lifers” displayed their gore-porn in downtown Ottawa, in the thick of Canada Day festivities.

Last night was to be their final hurrah, but the pro-choice protest turned out to be where the action was. As a participant in some of the 1970 activities here, I felt invigorated walking among these younger pro-choice activists, so determined to keep the clock from being turned back. Who knew (as one sign less politely put it) that we’d still be debating this nonsense in 2012?

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